Une version anglaise de L'ÉCONOMIQUE!


L'Agenda de communication L'ÉCONOMIQUE maintenant disponible en anglais!

C'est un grand moment chez Diamodesign! Ce produit très populaire auprès de notre clientèle francophone pour son format pratique et concis, à un prix plus qu'intéressant, est maintenant offert à une cliente anglophone. Nous sommes heureux de penser que des enfants, des parents et leur éducatrice (ou autre) qui communiquent en anglais pourront utiliser cet outil développé par Diamodesign. Ce cahier pratique et journal de bord est un moyen d'excellence pour communiquer tous les détails de la journée de l'enfant dans son service de garde.

Couverture et semaine de l'agenda de communication de Diamodesign | Daycare Communication Diary also available. 

Ces agendas conviennent à tous les groupes d'âges et ont une conception graphique et un contenu qui s'adaptent à plusieurs milieux : garderies, crèches, Centre de la Petite Enfance (CPE), RSE (Responsable d'un service éducatif, la nounou à la maison et aussi pour les parents séparés qui désirent améliorer la communication à propos de leur enfant.

Nous vous suggérons de cliquer sur le nom du produit qui vous intéresse afin de vous rendre directement vers la Boutique. À cet endroit, vous pourrez avoir toutes les spécifications ainsi que les visuels intérieurs du produit visé.


THE ECONOMIC Daycare Communication Diary is now available in english!

It's a great time at Diamodesign! This very popular product with our francophone clientele for its convenient and concise format, at a more than interesting price, is now offered to an english speaking customer. We are happy to think that children, parents and their educator (or other) who communicate in English will be able to use this tool developed by Diamodesign. Like a daily report, this practical notebook and logbook is a means of excellence to communicate all the details of the child's day in his childcare.

These agendas are suitable for all age groups and have a graphic design and content the can be adapted to different environments : daycare, Early Childhood Center (CPE), nursery, home childcare, the nanny at home and also for divorced parents who want to improve communication about their child.

We suggest that you click on the product name that interests you to go directly to the Boutique (Shop). Here, you will be able to have all the specifications as well as the interior visuals of the targeted product.

Daycare Communication Diary — THE ECONOMIC

Daycare Communication Diary of Diamodesign | English version

Do you know that it's possible to customize this diary at a specific moment during the year?

For détails, refer to this LINK to find out when to order our personalized products or call us at 514-566-3426.

Daycare Communication Diary with YOUR LOGO — interior THE ECONOMIC

Childcare Communication Agenda of Diamodesign to personalize with the logo of the daycare | English version

(french version)

Come back to us if you have any questions, either by email at info@diamodesign.com ou by phone at 514-566-3426.

It's always a pleasure!


PSSSST... Subscribe to our newsletter... You will receive our promotional offers (discounts), in addition to being informed of our upcoming news, our important dates to respect for the customization of our products and much more! The Infodiamo is sent occasionally, only when it's important.


It's very easy to visualize the inside of our publishing products by turning the pages. Just go to the product page (in the Boutique), go down and click on the INSIDE PAGES tab.

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